Programming language thoughts

I feel like I am always looking for a different low level programming language alternative to C++, but always end up back at C++.

I have been looking at Zig lang, but I didn’t really want to learn about their allocators, no good excuse really.

Then I have been looking at Odin lang, but last time I was trying it their linux support wasn’t really there. The Arch package was outdated and didn’t come with their vendor directory. Then they wanted me to compile it from source to get the latest version that included everything, and it was actually quite fun to try.

I have also recently been looking at D lang again, but when they showed me this code, well, no… that just feels wrong. Here is what they showed me…

"Starting program".writeln;

But I also read somewhere that D does have a garbage collector, but it can be turned off. Im not sure how I feel about having an optional GC. It could be awesome for testing stuff, but I also don’t want to rely on it. And then there where these guys


Sure they could be awesome for more performance, But its just not the same. I have no idea how to describe it, it just isn’t.

So that is how I always end up back at C++, and every time I realize that I don’t really need to change language because C++ does what I want it to do when I use it. Sure CMake is a pain to work with at times, and libraries are also a pain most of the time. But that is just C++, and I have learned to love the pain it can bring

D lang

Odin lang

Zig lang